Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fireworks Aren't Everyting, But Meat Is...

I had to spend the first of many holidays working in the field. Because Second Nature is a year-round program someone always has to be working. The first holiday that I spent in the field was the Fourth of July.

Luckily, Second Nature is awesome and tried their best to make these days extra special for us as staff and for the clients. One of the biggest highlights of every one's week is Friday night when we get meat in the field. Because the Fourth fell on a Saturday, we got "meat night" a day late. We had 24 Bratwursts delivered to us for 11 people to eat. Let's just say it was quite the feast. We also got two pies, potato salad, chips, condiments and a watermelon. That's what I call high class camping.

We decided to make the holiday as American a we possibly could and buried our meat in squeeze butter to cook with. As a staff team of 4, we ate 11 brats. It's amazing how wonderful meat and pie can taste in the woods. Because we were so full, we continued the celebration the following day by eating the watermelon.

We may not have had fireworks or a proper picnic, but there was something very American about the whole thing. We even got surprised with an awesome sunset. As much as I missed being around family for this day, I look forward to the surprises the next field holiday might bring.

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