Thursday, January 8, 2009

Good love

You might be asking yourself why I would be blogging about love. Well, the truth is that it's a code word for going to the bathroom. During the entire 50 days of Outward Bound (for the most part) we were required to dig a hole every time we needed to go number 2. In the beginning some people were shy about it, but I got right down to business. It became the crew joke to count how many times a day I would need to "use the shovel." During our final expedition we were at dinner and I was talking about how I felt the need to blog about it, but I didn't want to really talk about poop on my blog. So Katie suggested that I use a code word. The group decided it would be fun to call it making love. So, from then on we made several references to my bathroom issues over the course of the 50 days, only we substituted the word "love" for poop.

One morning, when we were hiking in the gorge I had what I called an emergency or accidental "love" incident. Usually when this happened I would do one of two things. I would either find a sturdy stick and dig a hole or I would leave some kind of marking so that I could find the spot and I would go get the shovel. This particular time, I came back with the shovel and I couldn't find where I had made "love". So, we started to joke with the following statement. "There I was in the Gorge, looking for love..." We would also say this in a french accent due to the fact that people called me french because my helmet was always tilted.

Another time, one of my crew mates had to use the shovel. When she came back after being gone for a while we all asked her, "how did it go?" To which she appropriately replied, "Love stinks!"

When I got home I realized that it maybe wasn't appropriate to blog about poop or love, but now I'm just saying to hell with it.

Poop happens.


Marilyn said...

You're a BeVard, it's all about poop!!!

The Gardner Family said...

I love making love ;)

Marilyn said...

" A Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love"