Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If you can't find your cell phone, look in the wash

Well, as most of you may have heard, I managed to put my cell phone through the washing machine. I had apparently left inside the pocket of some sweat pants that I had on earlier that day. I was in a hurry when I put the load of laundry in, so I guess I didn't realize at the time that I was washing my phone also.

Rich and I left to go for a movie and when we came back I couldn't find my cell phone anywhere. I looked for it and looked for it while Rich continually dialed my number. No luck. Towards the end of the evening I remembered I had laundry in the wash and went to put it in the dryer. The minute I turned on the dryer and heard a big clunk, I said, "I think I found my cell phone."

Normally I would have been a lot more upset about the event, but I have been quite fed up with my phone lately. Every time I would talk on it the battery would die within 2o minutes, so if I wanted to have a conversation with someone I would have to be next to an outlet so I could have my phone plugged in. The phone also took a slinky like tumble down the stairs last week. However, this phone refused to die completely. I guess it was on it's last life, because it finally died in the spin cycle.

Thankfully, I was due for a new phone this Saturday. I don't really like any of the new phones they have, but now I'm forced to choose one. I'm only a few hours into day one of no cell phone and it's amazing how much reliance we have on them these days.

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